Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Burkina Faso Eats Another Volunteer

Hi guys, it's with some sad and some happy that I share with you all that Heather is on her way home soon. Sad because Eleanor and I will miss her, but happy because it was definately the right decision at the the right time for her. It's going to be lonely here without her, but the choice to stay a while longer makes me really want to make the most of my limited time here. Catch ya later.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Hello, it's been a rough week or so leading up to the school year (especially if you're Heather), but we're almost there. The sequence of events (if you're Heather) went something like (but not limited to) the following: slapped by a beggar, infected blister, attempted kiss by a taxi driver, and high fever, achy, nausea sickness with green slimy diahrrea (of which I would post a picture if one existed, but sadly one does not). So we're here recovering, and we'll be returning to village promptly thereafter.
I start teaching next Monday, and so begins the next phase of our action packed adventure here in Burkina Faso.

PS I feel like my blog entries are lacking in cultural/interesting information about Burkina Faso, so in order to address this problem I've included the following short list of food and beverage items that can be bought and enjoyed in a plastic baggy:
various juice type drinks
cooking oil

... and the list goes on. Volunteer's feel free to add to the list in the form of a comment.